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User Addons for Official Release

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Since both of these threads where closed, this is not cross posting

Is there any way you guys at BI could select the best of the best user addons (I'm only thinking weapons and vehicles) and with permission from the creator release them with patches???

There are some amazing user made vehicles and weapons out there but like all before them they rarely get used by the mainstream OFP/ArmA player.

Something like... with each major patch, BI select what they think are the best 2 or 3 addons for the time period between each major patch and release the addons as official with the upcoming major patch and so on.

Best being...

- Falls in line with the ArmA2 standard/feel

- To serve a real purpose/to be of actual use in the ArmA2 world (not just a hummer with a different GPMG on it or another variant of a G36)

- Looks, plays and controls like its authentic

- User friendly

Maybe BI could slightly edit them to conform to BI standards

If there is a copyright issue, I'm sure they could rebuild the model, shouldn't take long since they would have the blueprint and it would only be 1 or 2 per major patch

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Its an idea many would like im sure. But it isnt as easy as to just take what BIS likes, edit the addons and implement them.

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