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Question about editor

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I searched but couldnt find any info on this.

Im trying to make a mission where a squad is dropped of by helicopter at a certain point, then the squad begins to assault an airfield. I can load the squad, transport them, and drop them off fine. However, when they start the assault, the helo follows them because hes part of the same squad. I had to put them in the same squad to be able to spawn the units in a flying helo.

How can I make the helo withdraw and follow a different waypoint than the soldiers after it drops them off?

Thanks in advance!

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First off wrong section.

Second: If you want a sqouad to be transported place them on a map in editor and type in initialization field of each unit "this moveincargo heli1" where heli1 is a name of the chopper. Dont group a squad whit the heli. Now place a waypint for heli1 that says "Transport Unload" and thats it in short.

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