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Buldozer won't load textures, box version

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So after realizing that the steam version won't work with o2, I picked up a boxed version to get it going (plus get a jump on the patches, avoid having to start steam every time and also have the sweet box/instruction book) and to my surprise (rage) I still can't load textures! Could someone post their command line or a picture of their o2 options please? I have the texture path set correctly and buldozer starts as it should. I am using the older version of o2 (not the final version) btw. Please could someone help me?

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Sakura- you've probably resolved your problem, but I've been having some of my own.

You can see in this pic, that the Resource Library thinks the texture is properly loaded, but Buldozer disagrees. In-game agrees with Buldozer.


But, if I make the properties window show the absolute path:


It seems to work, even if the Resources Library doesn't think it can find it.

It appears that the Resources Library tries to prepend the path information from the File-Options entry for textures. That ends up making the resulting path information gibberish.

Apparently the config, though, and whatever Buldozer relies on, uses the absolute path, but then trims it when PBO'd, so it is relative.

I clearly may be doing something wrong, but the "takeaway" for me seems to be that navigating to the texture in the properties tab is what works.

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