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Checking if something is true in a script.

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Just trying to get into scripting but hit a wall, probably a small one :rolleyes:

in a trigger i have


and in my script:

sheep4 attachTo [truck,[0,-1,-0.7]];  sheep4 setDir 140
sheep3 attachTo [truck,[0.1,0.1,-0.7]];  sheep3 setDir 305
sheep2 attachTo [truck,[0.1,-0.5,-0.7]];  sheep2 setDir 35
sheep1 attachTo [truck,[-0.2,-2.2,-0.7]];  sheep1 setDir 200
player attachTo [truck,[-0,-1,-0.7]]; player setdir 180

player playmove "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon"
goto "loop"

detach player;
_worldPos = truck modelToWorld [0,-6,0];
player setPos [_worldPos select 0, _worldPos select 1, 0];


i want it to check if truckend=true or not, if it is go to "player detach", if it isnt goto loop...

i though it might be something like

if ?truckend then goto "end" else goto "loop"

or some such :confused:


Edited by mynameisme

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Ah thanks got it sorted, looks like i was way off :rolleyes:[/QUOTe]

Not a problem.

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It's 2009, use SQF. :)

I would, if I could actually understand it. I've tried to learn through Mr. Murray's manual, and only have the sparse basics.

It is still very difficult for me to grasp. have a suggestions for tutorials?

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When I learned, I did a really simple step by step approach.

Like, instead of having my first mission have every bell and whistle ever I started really small, no scripts at all. Then add in one little script for say.. spawning a new unit when I hit a trigger. Or using briefings instead of waypoints. Then just keep adding in features and learning new things as I went along.

The other thing to try is finding easy SQS scripts and trying to rewrite them in SQF.

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The other thing to try is finding easy SQS scripts and trying to rewrite them in SQF.

Nice idea, I imagine that is good practice.

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Nice idea, I imagine that is good practice.

That's what I did while waiting for ArmA (1). Although I was already slighlty familiar with SQF syntax, it really is good practice.

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