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Aircraft Behaviour

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I have a small question to ask about the aircraft behaviour, mainly about the Jets (F35 & Harrier)

When you reach, lets say, 600+ speed and when you turn or do what ever maneuvers and then just fly straight, does your plane goes side to side because of the Rudder trying to stabilize the plane by itself. Which is not that great because the crosshair swings side to side and its impossible to give any precise CAS.

I just want to know did anyone experience it too ?

And why is it happening

and can it be fixed ? :D

That will be all :)

Edited by Arty

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Old news. Please use the search function. This has been discussed a lot and should be reported as a bug as well.

Use search next time mate. ;)


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This actually happens in real life. Banking and turning without applying rudder can result in the aircraft yawing from side to side when you re-align.

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But the thing is i do not apply the rudder usually. I use the mouse and keyboard. If I do some role overs then the rudder gets involved, but I hope it will be fixed

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