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Weapons of MI-8 AttackChopper?

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Does anybody know what weapons the MI-8 MTV-3 AttackChopper from the Russians uses? I would like to remove the rockets from the pods by script...

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You can find the classnames of all weapons and magazines of any vehicle/soldier by typing this into their init field and previewing:

hint format ["Weapons: %1\nMagazines: %2",weapons this,magazines this]

So hopefully you don't need to start new threads everytime you need to find a weapon/magazine classname (which is totally unnecessary since they are already listed on the Wiki and I believe a stickied thread in this very forum).

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for the mi8 mtv-3 there is only one weapon listed ("PKT_3"), there seems to be no effect when removing this weapon - how can I find out how the rockets are named and the rocketpod itself?

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Hmm, yea I forgot about multiple turrets. You could try this then:

this addEventhandler ["fired",{hint format ["Weapon: %1\nMagazine %2",_this select 1,_this select 2]}]

When you fire a weapon it will display the weapon and magazine classname. Also, they should still be listed on the BI wiki.

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thanks for your help :)

however i still cannot get the magazine or weapon removed from the mi8.

i used this so far called from a script (unit is correctly passed to the script):

_unit = _this select 0;
_unit removeWeapon "57mmLauncher";
_unit removeMagazine "96Rnd_57mm";

and also

_unit = _this select 0;
_unit removeWeapon "57mmLauncher";
_unit removeMagazine "57mmLauncher";

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Ok, this seems like another problem due to multiple turrets (or lack of full set of scripting commands to deal with them). RemoveWeapon/removeMagazine only work on the primary turrent (which the rockets are obviously not a part of). So for now I'm afraid there's not much you can do except open a request for more scripting commands for adding/removing weapons/magazines to/from specific turrets.

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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this is the init of the mi-8:

 respawnScript=[this,6,12,-1,"initScript_Respawn=[this] execVM 'Scripts\init_MI-8.sqf'"] execVM "Scripts\t-respawn.sqf"; initScript_firstTime=[this] execVM "Scripts\init_MI-8.sqf"

content of "Scripts\init_MI-8.sqf":

_unit = _this select 0;

_unit removeWeapon "57mmLauncher";

_unit removeMagazine "96Rnd_57mm";

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what about putting the ammo slider to empty then add the PKT ammo in a script

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could be, i will give it a try and report here

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what about putting the ammo slider to empty then add the PKT ammo in a script

Same problem. You can only add ammo to one of the (3) PKs.

---------- Post added at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------

So for now I'm afraid there's not much you can do except open a request for more scripting commands for adding/removing weapons/magazines to/from specific turrets.

I've opened a new request on the issue tracker for these commands. Maybe if they get enough votes BIS will implement them:


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There should be green/up and red/down arrows next to the vote count that you can click to either vote for or against it. Apparently there is a bug with the tracker where the arrows aren't always visible, but you can still mouse-over & click them.

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