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Domination + airbase with F-16 Mod

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want your help with editing Domination . Any nice dude can help me step by step how to edit the domination + airbase mission to have the F-16 mod at start?

So far i did,

i unpbo the Domination + Airbase and copy to user mission so i can edit with editor , from there i edit the F-16 adding the respawn init (_handle = [this, 120] execVM "x_scripts\x_vehirespawn.sqf" then save to mpmission , i try to host the mission but i have like 30 AI , F-16s have Ai in them and no obj . What am making wrong here help plz.

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first, in the editor when you place the F-16s instead of BLUFOR or OPFOR you need to select Empty. Just double click anywhere to pull up the units list and select empty. Are you editing the AI version of the mission or the non ai version? Thats what is causing the 30 ai to appear.

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first, in the editor when you place the F-16s instead of BLUFOR or OPFOR you need to select Empty. Just double click anywhere to pull up the units list and select empty. Are you editing the AI version of the mission or the non ai version? Thats what is causing the 30 ai to appear.

am editing the ai version.

do i need to select playable or unplayable?

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