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Joystick targetting

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I have a Saitek Cyborg Evo and it works great w/ Arma 2 except for 'Switch target' - I have to use TAB to find a target, no button that I set to 'Switch target' work, it worked in Arma 1 but doesn't in Arma 2. Using joystick + keyboard = difficult.

Any solutions? anyone else getting this?

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No, that isn't right. Setting next target key does not work for any control other than the tab button.

It's because there is a bug, there are two 'next target' controls, one near the top and one near the bottom of the list. Set your joystick button for the one near the bottom and it will now work.

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ok, once again, for the 50th time, if you use a stick with Arma2, you have to manually program it. I believe you want your target button to be bound to 'next target' or something like that. Just go into controls and isolate it for aircraft and play around. You'll get it set up like you like.

Thank's for your igorance and arrogance, it's good to know there are still inferior minded infants like you in this world. Makes my life purposeful.

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It's a real shame the tone of the forums has repeatedly come to this.

Boomboomer is correct from what I remember.

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