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End mission trigger help..

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I'm sure this has been asked before, but I have searched the forum extensively and couldn't find an answer.

I created a simple sabotage mission, in which the Spetsnaz have to destroy several CDF armor. I got these objectives down fine, but what if I want the Spetsnaz team to have to reach a staging point after they blow up their targets, in order for the mission to end?

For example, in one of my triggers, I put !(alive t1) AND !(alive t2), to check if the tanks have been destroyed. That works fine. But the mission ends before the Spetsnaz reach their staging area, or in this case, my End1 trigger.

Any help would be aprreciated.

Thank you,


Edited by Dyne
Spelling error.

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Not sure if this will work but create the final objective trigger with:

a certain x/y for the size of the area you want to have the units walk into

OPFOR- this may need to be None but I can't remember at the moment


Type: End#1


this and taskcompleted obj_1 and taskcompleted obj_2 and taskcompleted obj_3

(obj_1, obj_2, obj_3 are your objective names)

Then sync the trigger with the leader of the group you want.

Edited by Manzilla
wrong explaination again...

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Thanks for the help, much appreciated!

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I'm sure this has been asked before, but I have searched the forum extensively and couldn't find an answer.

Clicking on 'Search' up top and putting in End mission trigger results in at least 7 threads in the first 3 pages of Search Results that directly match word for word what you're asking. How exactly did you "search extensively" when a "casual and almost accidental" search resulted in answers galore? :icon_rolleyes:

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Clicking on 'Search' up top and putting in End mission trigger results in at least 7 threads in the first 3 pages of Search Results that directly match word for word what you're asking. How exactly did you "search extensively" when a "casual and almost accidental" search resulted in answers galore? :icon_rolleyes:

I did exactly what you posted, with the "SEARCH" option before I posted my thread, and I found nothing relevant to what I needed.

Next time, check your attitude at the door. This is a help forum afterall.

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