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All russians gone!

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This is what I like to do and I have no idea how to proceed. My mission is a mission in which the goal is to get rid of all Russian presence in a town. Once this is accomplished the game should go to the Into Win cutscene. How can one do this? Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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I assume your using a trigger to cover the town set to EAST, Not Present.

In the same trigger menu there will be a drop down menu with End#1, End#2 etc.

Select End#1 to make that trigger end the mission once the east is no longer present. It will go to the win outro. If you select Loose (as the trigger type) it will go to the Loose Outro (if there is one).

It will not go to the end outro in the editor, you will have to export it as a SP or MP to test it fully, but you can view your outro in the editor seperately.

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Yes, I am using a trigger for the condition EAST not present.  As I understood you, correctly when I put the "End#1" in the trigger, it will automatically go directly to the Intro Win cutscene.  What would I put in the briefing of the Mission?  Would I delete the following lines in the Mission Debriefing:



<h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End1">END1</a></p></h2>








<h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End2">END2</a></p></h2>







Sorry, I am somewhat new with this cutscenes and Debriefings.

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