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How to switch sides based on action of the player

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Maybe if someone has time, they can throw a bit of help or point me to the correct thread that approaches this as I have serached for a bit and came up with nothing.

I would like to design a SP mission where the player starts out as a civilian being neutral to all sides. Then durring the course of the mission, there is the possibility for the the player to have to act aggresively to either side, which from that point on would make the player unfriendly to the side that they acted agressivly to.

So, for starters I would like to be able to start as neutral, then shoot an ai of the opposite side, then having a script make my player unfriendly to that side from that point on.


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the setcaptive command will prevent anyone firing on you unless you do something stupid like pick up a weapon and shoot someone.

As far as becoming unfriendly to anyone, just shoot a few dudes from that side and you will automatically be marked as an enemy to that side (try shooting a couple of squad memebers dead in the editor if you need proof =] )

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To correct you TurokGMT, shooting too many friendlies (too much negative rating) makes you an enemy to ALL sides.

Trigger313th, put him on his own side (ex. resistance side) and then use setFriend. Don't use civilian side, since side civilian is used for other things (empty vehicles for example use side civilian).

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Easiest method is to actually have him join a side instead of using setFriend.

So if he's working for the red ones, let him play on their side.

That can easily done by making him join a group belonging to that side.

If you want to be more flexible regarding the relationship to the player and have no resistance in your mission, then the solution big dawg posted would probably be the best.

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Well, I suggested that because it sounds like he wants to do some sort of GTA-like thing with faction relations (that could change). ArmA isn't the best game to do this in though since we are limited to only 3 military sides (thus a maximum of 2 other factions).

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Well what I really want to do is simulate a spec ops team in civilian garb to go into the mission to gather intel. Then by chance or necesity if the spec ops team kills an opfor then they ruin thier cover and have to either escape (Exfil) or avoid Opfor from seeing them altogether.


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