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Multiplayer core issue

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Alot of people are complaining that this game does not have enough PvP servers, BiS creating their own standard multiplayer game modes is something that has been lacking for a while.

Community created muliplayer modes are a nice addition, but these should have always been an addition ontop of the BiS created 'standard' modes.

You wouldnt have released the game as purely an engine for everyone to make the single player campaign and content on your behalf, so I do not understand why the same is done with the mulitplayer.

Quite frankly the choice of multiplayer is awful, with 80% of community game modes being some convoluted co-op, which wouldn't have been so bad had we had some half decent AI.

The only true PvP games being the very basic deathmatch types, there is a great void that is not being catered for.

The server list refreshes to show, what essentially is a mess to the new player.

Colour coding for game modes would have been a nice touch but it still doesnt detract from the main issue, this game could really soar from its niche and attract alot more players if it only had some default, well considered BiS multiplayer game modes.

Though I respect the work done by individuals on the above mentioned co-op games, they do not have long term appeal.

Bottom line, the game is screaming out for more PvP game modes, that sit between the very basic DM types and the complicated co-op modes. Ideally BiS need to provide their own.

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If you are looking for PvP gameplay search for

"charlie" or "foxtrot" or "cfarma2" in the game list.

CFARMA2.COM hosts 130 slot PvP maps continuously where you can play along with & versus other 80-90 public players

CFARMA2.COM also organizes "member-only" army-vs-army battles every Sunday @1900 hrs UK time. Join to take part in Sunday battles.


Edited by Cross

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Also there are mp missions that come with the game.

Edit: BIS isn't responsible for what players choose to host on their servers.

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