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co30 Domination Question

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Looked everywhere for a Domination forum, couldn't find one. I'm probably blind though. But here's 2 big questions I have about the scripting/PBO files for this, if anyone here can help me. I don't run the server, my friend does, but I'd like to get some info for him so that we can try to fix a problem we're having and possibly change something.

Note: I haven't tried changing anything major with the PBO files for Domination, because everytime we try, the server fails to load, but here's our problem.

1. Enemy patrols will enter our base and destroy our support buildings. We have no problem with that. We figured out how to turn the base attacks off, and it seems to work 90% of the time. Although sometimes a random tank shot from a T-90 will nail our support building. But the main problem is that when our Chopper Support building is destroyed...we can't get it back. It completely dissapears. No wreckage or anything, just poof. So we end up having to destroy our choppers and completely repairing them from wrecks if we don't want to restart the server. Anyone have this issue before?

2. This one really isn't an issue, but it would be REALLY nice to set this up. We'd like to choose which vehicles we start the mission with. We usually do Random 21 AI-West, and the first few cities are a complete pain to take with just 2 of us. An M1A1 or two from the beginning would really help us out, but everytime my friend edits the PBO for our starting vehiciles, the server doesn't seem to want to load.

Any insight would be great. If this is the wrong place, just boot me out or move me. Appreciate it :)

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Best to post this in the Domination thread 'user missions' as Xeno the author of the mission is very helpfull with any questions regarding his mission!:cool:

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