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Weapon placement on A10 changes when removing magazines.

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After you've spawned an A-10 (only tried it on this, probbably happens on other aircrafts aswell) and you remove some magazines and weapons. The weapons will shift place infront of your eyes.

On the image linked below. I removed only the maverick missiles.

The Sidewinders till take the place of the Maverick's and the GBU's is moved so that two take the place of the Sidewinder (on the special Sidewinder holder) and the other two stay in place.

Image of the weapon shift

The magazines were removed using a script after the spawn, the same thing happens when it's added to init of the plane. This happens even if you also remove the weapon connected to the magazine.

Code used to remove the magazines

plane1 removeMagazine "2Rnd_Maverick_A10"

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