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trigger and waypoint help

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having searched these forums I found the code needed, however Ive run into a small problem, this is what the trigger is for;

one a radar station ( Named RU ) has been destroyed, two a10s take off and bomb there designated targets, however the trigger Im using is not working,

on the waypoint for the a10s I have sync'd with a trigger, inside the trigger in the condition box is written

! alive RU

I have tried to use

This ! Alive [RU];

But it says ; is needed

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The spacing of the syntax is critical

this !alive RU;

should work but its best to change your object name to avoid possible name errors by having the same name as a standard object or entity. Not sure if "RU" is recognised as a class object?

I would suggest name the Radar Station "RUradar" or just "TaskA"

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!(Alive RU)

works well for me.

I agree to the namechange mentioned above.

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I still cant get this to work,

Ive been trying to test this, I named a USMC rifleman jdbecks, and got a insurgent pickup truck to move to me via a waypoint once i shoot my rifleman,

in the waypoint box under condition I typed this,

This !(alive jdbecks);

This !Alive jdbecks;

This ![alive jdbecks];

they all keep saying " Missing ; " unless I take away "This", but then the command deos not work,

Edited by jdbecks

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Try :-

not (alive RU)

lol just spotted the name change

Edited by ck-claw

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nope thats not working either

Edited by jdbecks

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What exactly is not working?

I've just placed an opfor dude (named him- RU)

Placed an UAZ far away

Placed a trigger 'condition' =

not (alive RU)

Then sync'd the trigger to the 1st move waypoint

Shot the dude and the UAZ came to my position

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I just copied what you done, and the uaz comes to my postion stright away,

I created an opfor dude, named him RU,

Created a trigger, in the condition box I wrote

not (alive RU)

I then created a move waypoint for the UAZ, and synced it with the trigger.

but the uaz drives to me, if i try to write this in the conidtion box it says missing ;

This not (alive RU);

This !(alive RU);

when I try to press enter, it says missing ;. so i can not input that command line in the trigger

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Sry you'll have to bare with me!;) Not had enough cider!

If the suggestion i sed works -whats the problem?

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This not (alive RU);

This !(alive RU);

That's incorrect syntax. You should not be using 'this' at all.

His example should work, unless you're doing something terribly wrong. Make sure your unit is properly named, make sure you put the condition in the correct field, and make sure the waypoint you synced it to is the one you want him to wait at, and not the one you want him to move to after the trigger fires.

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and make sure the waypoint you synced it to is the one you want him to wait at, and not the one you want him to move to after the trigger fires.

Ah yes forgot to mention that! My bad!

Place one waypoint right next to the UAZ (or whatever) snyc that one to the trigger!

Which will make it wait there till the trigger is fired!

Then another waypoint to the place you wnat it to move to! :cool:

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That's incorrect syntax. You should not be using 'this' at all.

His example should work, unless you're doing something terribly wrong. Make sure your unit is properly named, make sure you put the condition in the correct field, and make sure the waypoint you synced it to is the one you want him to wait at, and not the one you want him to move to after the trigger fires.

thats what I was doing wrong, did not relise I needed a waypoint for him to wait at.

cheers for help everyone

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