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Hostile Civilians

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Is there a way to make civilians become hostile and attack the players if they approach?

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if player is west:

_civ = _eastGroup createUnit [_civClass, _position, [], 0, "NONE"] ;

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Won't that just spawn a new civilian in the east group.

Edit: I want them to appear as civies first.

Edited by Recoilless

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Example: If you want the civilians to engage playerside (like west), group them to EAST soldier, and make him COLONEL (as long as the EAST side man is higher in rank than the civilians you linke them into), and the east sodliers precense to 0%, so he will dissapear instantly. Now, once players are in sight of those civilian,they are on EAST side and will engage the WEST players,if you have put some weapons to them =)

Should work

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Example: If you want the civilians to engage playerside (like west), group them to EAST soldier, and make him COLONEL (as long as the EAST side man is higher in rank than the civilians you linke them into), and the east sodliers precense to 0%, so he will dissapear instantly. Now, once players are in sight of those civilian,they are on EAST side and will engage the WEST players,if you have put some weapons to them =)

Should work

Yep, this is the easiest way to do it. Of course it also means they will be gunned down by Marines or CDF as soon as they are spotted. Unless you use setCaptive on them to prevent that.

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Also there is side "independend" that will use the same method to choose an ally side than civilians (they are resistance=armed civilians) from the mission info thing, where you can change weather etc.

All you have to do is to change the "independends are friendly to (and choose side - nobody,bluefor-opfor-anybody)

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