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Construction Interface in MP missions

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Ok, so I've searched the forums, read the offical docs on the biki, yadda yadda yadda.

I'm designing a co-op mission which involved protecting a slowly evolving firebase against waves of bad dudes, I've got my construction module, called base set up with:

null = [] execvm "firebase.sqf";

in it's initialisation field.

The contents of firebase.sqf are:

// script to set the operational parameters for the construction interface module

// need to ensure that pblic variables are used to support JIP players

// and respawning troops

private ["_firebase"];

_firebase = base;

_firebase setvariable ["BIS_COIN_name","Firebase Alpha"];

_firebase setvariable ["BIS_COIN_rules",[west]];

_firebase setvariable ["BIS_COIN_categories",



"Static Defenses",

"Base Facilities"



_firebase setvariable ["BIS_COIN_items",


["USMC_WarfareBMGNest_M240","Static Defenses",500,"MG Nest"],

["Stinger_Pod","Static Defenses",1000,"AA Pod"],

["M119","Static Defenses",1000,"M119 Cannon"],

["M252","Static Defenses",600,"Mortar"],

["TOW_Tripod","Static Defenses",1000,"TOW Pod"],

["USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital","Base Facilities",800,"Field Hospital"],

["Fort_Barricade","Fortifications",200,"Makeshift Barricade"],


["Hedgehog","Fortifications",10,"Iron Tank Trap"],

["Land_Fort_BagFenceLong","Fortifications",10,"Sandbag Wall"],

["Land_Fort_Watchtower","Fortifications",1500,"Large Watchtower Bunker"],

["Land_fortified_nest_small","Fortifications",500,"Small Bunker"]



_firebase setvariable ["BIS_COIN_FundsDescription","Available Supplies"];

_firebase setvariable ["BIS_COIN_areasize",[200,20]];

The mission starts ok, and the action menu DOES call the base "Firebase Alpha" (which means at least part of this script is working). But the categories remain empty, and funds remain at zero $.

Can anyone see anything wrong with my script, or know how to overcome the problem?

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turok, i've been itching to create the same gametype.

someoen halp! this is relevant to my interests.

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naming the construction module wont do anything. the scripts that run on its init will automatically name it BIS_coin_0.

i suggest you put this in its init:

nul = this execvm "firebase.sqf";

and then in firebase.sqf replace "_firebase = base;" with "_firebase = _this;"

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