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Function GUI

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The information you're looking for is actually compiled from both of those sources.

First, place the Functions module in your mission then put the following in your init.sqf:

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};
[player] call bis_fnc_help;


Now, all that does is bring up the browser of the function code, it won't explain how to actually USE any of them. For that you'll need to read the code and figure it out, or hope someone smarter than us comes up with decent wiki pages. :)

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The information you're looking for is actually compiled from both of those sources.

First, place the Functions module in your mission then put the following in your init.sqf:

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};
[player] call bis_fnc_help;


Now, all that does is bring up the browser of the function code, it won't explain how to actually USE any of them. For that you'll need to read the code and figure it out, or hope someone smarter than us comes up with decent wiki pages. :)

Yay! :) - i feel less idiotic!

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One hidden hint in the Editor is the built in ComRef. Just click on some command word while typing it into an init field or something and press F1. You'll get a popup showing what it does and how to use it, you can even copy the sample code from it!

Very handy if you know what command you want to use, but not exactly how.

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