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High Command - group names

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I was just wondering and searching in the forum and I couldnt find what I was looking for.

The thing is I want the Sub group to have its name that is linked to the CH. For example I dont want it to be displayed as "B 1-1-B" Ii HighCommand, I would like to name it "Raptor One" and commending officer "Godfather" for example. Is this possible?

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try this in the init of group leaders, one per group leader

grp1 = group this; grp1 setGroupId ["Godfather","0"];

grp2 = group this; grp2 setGroupId ["Raptor","0"];

grp3 = group this; grp3 setGroupId ["Hitman","0"];

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What exactly does the high command module do?

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My pleasure mate. the "0" bit can be used to assign a colour too if you wish.

0 - No colour

1 - Black

2 - Red

3 - Green

4 - Blue

5 - Yellow

6 - Orange

7 - Pink

never used the colours tho just having the group name is enough for my needs.

@brevado I "think" it allows the player to command several squads rather than the usual 1. but not messed around with that part yet.

Edited by Whiskey Tango
to answer brevado's question

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To put it simply insted of Squad Vs Squad gameplay you can do Army Vs. Army you know like project reality :)

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