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XGS Che Guevara

Need ArmA Song Info. Please Help.

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I'm trying to find a particular song online.

I know it was the theme song for the original OFP, but this version sounds different, like its newer and possibly higher quality.

Maybe its the theme song from ArmA1, I don't know.

I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me the song title and what game its from and i'd REALLY appreciate it someone could provide me with a download link.

Anyway, here's the song I'm looking for :

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It's the converted OFP theme, first found (unfortunately) in ArmA 1. Refer to the comments in the Youtube video.

Horrible, horrible MIDIesque rubbish. You're better off sticking with the OFP version, at least that one at least sounds like some REAL instruments had something to do with it.

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It's the converted OFP theme, first found (unfortunately) in ArmA 1. Refer to the comments in the Youtube video.

Horrible, horrible MIDIesque rubbish. You're better off sticking with the OFP version, at least that one at least sounds like some REAL instruments had something to do with it.

Do you happen to know where I can buy/download the ArmA soundtrack?

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