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Game Crash, Restart & then Bad Serial MSG

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I Finally got my copy of ArmA 2 in the mail today (Purchased from Game.co.uk)

I installed the game with the serial number supplied on the back of the manual. After a hours wait on installing I started the Single player campaign & rescued the hostages & blew up the coms, went back into the village where the graphics went all corrupted & the game froze. I restarted the computer & went to launch the game (Disc in drive), it went through the "tick boxes" and the BI logo came up then crashed back to desktop saying "Bad serial given in setup" or something along those lines.

I patched the game to the latest 1.02 before starting.

I can provide photo's of the box,disk & receipt & anything else to prove validity.

I am in the process of reinstalling in case any corruption happened in the game crash but I am worried that if it crashes again the same problem will occur.

Please Help

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