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Sorry, can't help ya on this one. I can get it to work via the radio but that's it.

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I tried to use the SCOM and disable all of its other abilities excluding the fire support feature however it simply didnt work, I would appreciate it if someone could actually explain how to do this in decent detail?

I ve added an extra piece of code along with the call artillery func in the trigger:

som1 setVariable [""pool"", [0]];

The pool here seems to relate with random activation of SCOM missions.

The complete code for the trigger is:

[[""artillery_barrage""], player, [[barrage1, [1, 7, 9]]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; som1 setVariable [""pool"", [0]];

Replace Barrage1 (name of my barrage) and som1 (name of my own SOM)with your own namings.

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