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Does the Screen size matter?

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First post.

I play on a 32inch HDTV via VGA/HDMI cable. And I'm lagging sometimes.

here's my specs:

Manufacturer: Custom

Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E7300 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.7GHz

Memory: 2046MB RAM

Hard Drive: 1 TB

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+ OC

Operating System: Windows Vistaâ„¢ Ultimate (6.0, Build 6000)

I want to know if the game will run smoother in a smaller screen using regular VGA cable than bigger screen? I don't have a smaller screen at the moment to test it, but I'm willing to buy one based on the answers of this thread.

-Kill bodies!

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I'm not sure what resolution you are running at bit I van tell you that the actual screen size doesn't matter but resolution does. If you are running on 720p or 1080p then I can't help you as I've never tested under Hdmi resolutions

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right now, I'm running it at 1680x1050 for interface resolution and 1470x917 for 3d.

The quality performance is set on high


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Well size matters too or at least ratio does. In Arma1 I played on 19" with 1024x768 and then switched to 22", set it to same res (despite it looked bad) and frame rate was few % lower. On my old PC (amd 3000, 6600gt) the difference was much greater. Really un-playable on 22".

By the way, for me it works better to have fillrate at 100%/both resolutions the same.

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It will run smoother in a smaller ressolution (this is always true), but if the screen has a native ressolution or you use a small ressolution in a large screen, graphic quality could be compromissed.

Edited by katua

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