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Third-person view and ladders.

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(The third-person view thing is a minor niggle, the ladder thing is a major annoyance and has gotten me killed from falling damage more than once.)

If I jump out of a vehicle while in 3rd-person view, it leaves me in 3rd-person view on foot, it's often useful to be in 3rd-person in a vehicle so you can tell how close you are to bumping into stuff(which can be a bit of a challenge with a tiny viewport and not actually being present inside it), but I can't imagine any reason to ever be in 3rd-person on foot, it's mostly just annoying and troubles aiming.

Would it be possible to make it so it always defaults you to 1st-person view when getting into or out of something?

I also find that with more than a few ladders, as soon as I get to the top, my guy will not actually go OVER it. Instead he gets stuck on it for a moment(or literally stuck) and can't climb down, instead I just get to drop down and get injured, and there's rarely anything to let me know if it's going to be a ladder that'll screw me before I try climbing it.

Though I think it's tied to those ladders that proceed in a large curve above where they actually connect to a surface. It's hard to describe.

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