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Teleporting respawned units

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Oh, ok.

Yes I could easily just move the respawn marker, but I wan't the players spawn at the carrier (in the main map done with script) before first flag/sector is captured. So I need to lift them a bit. Marker is always on the ground or at sea level. That's why the trigger thingy to teleport them elsewhere around floating invisible H.

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I'm in a dead end. I'm trying to do a coop MP which has teleporting system after respawn to two different places depending on a variable.

I tested this on utes with a trigger around respawn_west marker. The trigger is:




COND this

ACT:{[_x] execVM "respawn.sqf"} forEach list teleporter

So it passes every units name to a script respawn.sqf:

if (!isServer) exitWith{};

_unit = _this select 0;

if(base_built) then {

_unit setPos [getPos spawn_1 select 0, getPos spawn_1 select 1, getPos spawn_1 select 2];

} else {

_unit setPos [getPos spawn_2 select 0, getPos spawn_2 select 1, getPos spawn_2 select 2];


Works like a charm

I then brought it to the almost ready mission, placed my playable units in the marker/trigger area, tested it on mp and nothing happens. The units won't teleport?

What could cause this?

The mission has quite lot of scripts so I rather not post all of them here. I'm not a pro, but I can't understand what would block this trigger to function. Theres no script that erases it or moves it as I tested it by renaming the trigger.


---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 AM ----------

Seems it works if I just start doing the mission from scratch and placing only the respawn needed objects on the map and only the scripts needed for respawn.


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I realize this post is pretty old but its all I got from searching.

I am also trying to do something similar here – I want certain units to respawn at a location different from respawn_west when they die.

It should be very simple –

If unit is dead

Respawn at X location (Not respawn_west)

Any ideas or existing scripts would be helpful.


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