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fu..... mission

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Hey ! do russians eat supervitamined food or what ??

i can't believe how good they're at shooting

i'm in a mess... can't get out that fuc... hood. I believe these bastards have InfraRed capable eyes and probably every one of them is an elite gunner!!

god that game is too hard...

the trick "shift - endmission" doesn't seem to work... how should i use it

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I'll private message you about the code, since I really would prefer not to talk about it right here in public.

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Yep thanks, i can't stand being sticked on that mission

I tried many times to go and get the UAZ but i face a russian team (probably a bunch of elite snipers and spesnatz... ;-) maybe even Scharzeneger is there ),

i may miss something

Anyway i want to keep going, any help is welcome


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I did it... at least! I mean the "After Montignac" mission

wow, hard stuff, i had to play cat&mouse with the BMP to steal the UAZ, but that's ok.

I was late at the meeting point, anyway i think the result is always the same, right ?

I think that mission is really hard compared to previous and i hope the following, i was nearly discouraged.

That game is great, but not good for sleeping ;-)


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After Montignac is great , if U know how to finish it. I haven't yet but I'm having a ball so far.

At the start run straight a head , shoot the Sov in the distance.

Get some ammo from the corpse and then hide beneath the tree of the single American body . With the grenade launcher you can pick off the 4 Sov's coming towards U in shot.

Then reload and do some killing in the woods. There are 5 in the forest. First go to middle , there are 2 and then go back for another 2. By that time one Sov running along the edge is coming back again, so beware. Then go back to the bodies and exchange your M16 + M 203 for a M16, get the 4 LAW's and then go south along the edge of the forest. Crawl trough the nice cover of bushes to clear the open ground. Once you've reached the next forest, there are usually some other fellow soldiers running around to get killed. They attract the Sovs and hopefully some armor.

You can get the 1 BMP and 2 T72 with the 4 LAW's by amushing them from the forest.

Once I managed to kill everyone inside a tank but I could still drive it. Boy did I leave an impression on some soldiers.

Afterwards reload with some ammo from your fellow soliders, go towards the new LZ, you'll encounter a few more Sov's and then get rescued

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i think the russkies have lots of vitamin a or something...

one time i was taking cover under a truck (there was nothing in the area...all flat nothing around) they were about 500-600 yards away, at 1st they tried to throw grenade at me which really confused me....then they started shooting, i dont know how they did it, but with AK47, 500 yards away, single shot in my head....what the @#$%&....i have to tried like 10 times before i can pass that part of the mission....

BTW it i will be nice if u guys can tell me the cheat code too...wouldnt it fun to cheat once in a while...looking at that T80 putting 125mm shells on ur head and u still standing....heehee...

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I haven't tried the mission with 1.30 yet, but it was always easier in the past if you stole the green car rather than the UAZ... just creep around the south side of the village and the green car is unguarded in the middle of it. Then drive down the road to the east and you'll only see a couple of soldiers before you get to the extraction point.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from charles on 1:25 pm on Nov. 30, 2001

i think the russkies have lots of vitamin a or something...

one time i was taking cover under a truck (there was nothing in the area...all flat nothing around) they were about 500-600 yards away, at 1st they tried to throw grenade at me which really confused me....then they started shooting, i dont know how they did it, but with AK47, 500 yards away, single shot in my head....<span id='postcolor'>

Yep, i agree. I never tried a mission in the most difficult mode... it might be a nightmare.

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hey, Emmanuel can u send me the cheat code please?

email, message, whatever way u want is fine.....thanx

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Played it again last night and while it's certainly a harder mission than it was in 1.0 it's still easy provided you treat it as a pure stealth mission: I can complete it in 25 minutes without saving and without firing a shot. If you play Rambo it's much harder... though by the time I quit I'd killed 2 BMPs, a T-72, a T-80, a UAZ (not hard 8-)), and about thirty soldiers. The big problem is the forest, because with the AI changes you can't see the enemy soldiers but as soon as one of them sees you they can all shoot at you even if they haven't seen you themselves and they're a hundred meters away with dozens of trees and bushes between them and you. Fortunately it sounds like the planned changes for the next patch will fix that.

The other thing to be aware of is the weather forecast for the day: fog and rain expected starting around 6 o'clock! So the longer you take the more easily you can avoid being seen by the AI soldiers in the bad weather.

(Edited by MrLaggy at 9:01 pm on Dec. 2, 2001)

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"....If you play Rambo it's much harder... "

i think in this game, stealth is just 10 million times more sense than Ramboing around.....but it's nice to sometimes combine both together. Like in some missions, u have to destroy some tanks, or chopper, I always sleek up to the base and steal their tank/chopper, and blow everything up then get out of the vehicle and blow it up after everyone's dead

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Yeah, I was hoping that I could find a tank or something to steal in that mission, but cars, a tractor and a UAZ seem to be the only vehicles you can get into.

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