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Night Missions , NVG = flicker like crazy , darkness levels buggered

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Tried playing Domination on night time and after a while everyone on the server was complaining (me included) , things burning were seriously fecking up the

usefullness of the NVG's.

Another problem is when the pilots of a chopper is flying suddenly its will go

really dark so you cant see anything and you crash cos u cant see.

Anyone else think night missions are a no no at the moment ?

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Right now I think it's fairly well known that the HDR in Arma2 is messing up for a lot of people.

Myself personally, I would get "whiteouts" or "blackouts" where the games HDR would randomly take me on a journey from normal, as expected lighting conditions to either (you guessed it) complete darkness or bright white washouts. Sometimes it can recover and sometimes it just stay that way until I alt-tab and come back to the game. Which (for me) fixes the extreme lighting for a moment at least. Constantly having to alt-tab out and allow the game to reload everything to fix the lighting gets really annoying, however lol.

There is now an HDR mod out that is suppose to limit the extremes of HDR light shifting. Though in my experience it does NOT fix the "whiteouts" or "blackouts".


Recently I've changed my Video Memory option in game to "default" - which has helped to reduce the frequency of the lighting washouts. Combine that with the HDR Mod to reduce the exaggerated HDR aperture settings this game has by default and it all becoming more and more playable.

Even beyond those issues though, I cannot use ANY level of post processing effects due to the INSANE bloom which I simply cannot tolerate.

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