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"Lock" is only accessable by server?

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Hi all,

I have another forum post in "Editing" but no one was able to help me there.

Since it is config/addon related I thought someone here might know.



Basically, im trying to unlock a vehicle via an addon.

The vehicle has no name but is being gotten via a simple nearestobjects command.

This works perfectly in single player but not on a dedicated server, which makes me think its not being updated on the server to unlock the vehicle.

Is there a way to unlock a vehicle from a clientside addon?

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I'm pretty sure creating two threads is against the forum rules, but then again I'm no moderator...

Anyway, can you give more information on the scope of your code from the very beginning (from initialization to the where you try to lock it)? I'm guessing since it's an addon you're starting with an Init eventhandler, am I correct?

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