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different improvements, specially for multiplayer

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I hope that most think the same... multiplayer is the best part of arma2.

But there`s a bad mp support for that game. I think, that a server manager is a important thing for arma2.

In MP there are other things we need. There are a lot of noobs stealing tanks, vehicles and planes etc. You can kick them but the vehicle is almost lost after that or its too far away. So we need a feature that makes it nearly impossible to steal anything.

Maybe a request feature. If someone will get into your vehicle a question about is shown to you. If you say no, the vehicle cant be used by this user for example.

There`s another important one i saw in 4 or 5 fights in past.

If a fight takes enough time, nearly 3, 4 or 5 hours, nearly everyone can purchase everything. So you reach a problem at airports.

Someone purchase 2 or 3 helicopters and your plane spawns after them or behind a building. Now its nearly impossible to get the plane started. Somebody tried to pick up a plane, it works but it causes synchronity problems to all players - for 2 or 3 minutes... so this feature dont work right way.

OK Maybe the airplane building is placed wrong but is it possible to include a replace feature? Dont let the plane spawn, i think the player should spawn the plane in a range to the airport building.

An now, my last. Airplanes are support vehicles for ground troops. Is it possible to include a commander feature, which tells you - as pilot - where you have to fight? I think that a commander should give orders to pilots which are shown in hud or something.

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