Rommel 2 Posted June 29, 2009 Just thought this may be handy, I can't see any bugs with it, if someone can report this actually works then that would be great, otherwise feel free to use it yourselves. In your init.sqf or anywhere really { if (alive _x /*and not (isplayer _x)*/) then private["_i","_j"]; _i=ceil(random 99); _j=ceil(random 6); if (_i < 10)then{ _x setface format["face0%1_camo%2",_i,_j]; }else{ _x setface format["face%1_camo%2",_i,_j]; }; sleep 0.01; }; } foreach allUnits; A note to all, setFace isn't global, so each player will see different camo faces, but this is really a problem with AI; and barely noticeable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rommel 2 Posted July 2, 2009 Forcing camouflage faces onto players in Multiplayer (only works in multiplayer). However each player will have different faces, but will be the same each time (is based off players UID, unchanging between games). Inside your init.sqf _uid = toArray(str(getPlayerUID player)); {_uid set [_i, _x - 48]; _i = _i + 1} foreach _uid; _a = _uid select 0;_b = _uid select 1;_c = _uid select 2; if (_c > 6) then {_c = _c - 6}; player setface format["face%1%2_camo%3",_a,_b,_c]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krogort 10 Posted July 4, 2009 I tryed both and couldn't get any one to work. I pasted your code in my init.sqf, is there anything else to do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vostov 10 Posted July 4, 2009 How do I get my profile's character to have facepaint? (I don't wanna do everyone.. but I would like it..) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites