Katash 10 Posted June 28, 2009 I've written one that works but its very buggy, All I want is the option when in an 81mm mortar to 'Resupply Asset' Then to add 1 magazine of HE, WP & Illum rounds Giving some feedback to the user about the state of reload then exit. Here is the one I've written so far, I'm using it on a modified Domination map with 3 81mm Mortars, script invoked by addaction command in init line of each unit but when using it for any length of time the server crashes mortar_reload.sqf // by Xeno Modified By Katash private ["_config","_count","_i","_magazines","_object","_type","_type_name"]; _object = _this select 0; _type = typeof _object; if (isNil "x_reload_time_factor") then {x_reload_time_factor = 1;}; if (!alive _object) exitWith {}; _type_name = [_type,0] call XfGetDisplayName; [_object,format ["Re-Supplying %1... Please stand by...", _type_name]] call XfVehicleChat; _object removeMagazines "ARTY_8Rnd_81mmHE_M252"; _object removeMagazines "ARTY_8Rnd_81mmWP_M252"; _object removeMagazines "ARTY_8Rnd_81mmillum_M252"; sleep 5; [_object,format ["Reloading 81mm HE", _type_name]] call XfVehicleChat; sleep 10; _object addMagazine "ARTY_8Rnd_81mmHE_M252"; sleep 2; [_object,format ["Reloading 81mm WP", _type_name]] call XfVehicleChat; sleep 10; _object addMagazine "ARTY_8Rnd_81mmWP_M252"; sleep 2; [_object,format ["Reloading 81mm Illumination", _type_name]] call XfVehicleChat; sleep 10; _object addMagazine "ARTY_8Rnd_81mmillum_M252"; sleep 2; [_object, format ["%1 is ready...", _type_name]] call XfVehicleChat; if (true) exitWith {}; Any scripting 'vets' here either point out any probable cause for the crash or possably create a better one? Thanks in advance Katash Share this post Link to post Share on other sites