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Do units HAVE to get into vehicles when moving to position on map?

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Alright, you want to move your men to strategic positions around a building down range into the town. If you click anywhere within a 50-100m radius of that car, you are forced to make that unit get into it as driver/gunner etc. Is there anyway to make them 'move' to that position but not make them get into the car? Like a work around? Or do we have to wait and hopefully have BIS recognize its something that should be addressed? Because I cannot stress enough how annoying that has been so far in this campaign. The towns in the campaign have at least 1-2 cars and when you want to clear the town, if you use the map to move your units around, your units are given the command to get into cars quite often...instead of moving building to building as they should be.

You can't see the vehicle on the map, you can't see your units waypoint, you cant see your units number at its waypoint, your forced to make your units get into vehicles you don't want them to get into... argh.. this is a wonderful AI commanding experience.

Edited by Victor

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when you make them do something, one option that is always there is "move to". You're likely just having them go without selecting the specific action, thus the game auto-chooses "get in" since you're pointing towards a car.

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So you cant just click anymore? You have to go into the action menu and waste time with all that now? Wonderful :)

..At least, there is a way around it. I noticed it while selecting the unit and looking at the radio. Thanks.

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