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Game graphics are very blurry and laggy.

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Well I downloaded the demo, expecting to see a great game, but I didn't. I have a good computer, for gaming , etc. When I tried to play it, everything was blurry. Everyone looks like blobs with the outline of the face, and bushes look like paint streaks. It looks like my soldier had glasses, and took them off while in battle. Please help. The words and things are fine. Just the visuals. I tried almost everything.

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I had the same exact experience with the demo. Graphics looked horrible and game lagged like crazy. I still bought full game and for some reason it looks 100x better, not blurry, perfect. And i am getting much better performance.

Im not telling you to go buy the game but im just saying, imo the retail product is more polished than the demo.

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If you look in the video options you should have 2 resolution settings.

The top one is for your ingame resolution, the bottom is fillrate optimiser (or something like that, can't be bothered checking myself)

The fillrate optimiser should at least match your resolution (100%). That will make the game clear up close but blurry at a distance. Increase the fillrate optimiser resolution to reduce the blue even more.

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The blur most likely comes from postprocessing, set it to disabled.

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After upgrading to Steam v1.03, sometimes the menu "blur" doesn't go away after re-entering game play mode. VERY frustrating!

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