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ArmA 2 Demo Freezes/Crashes/BSODs/Lockups?

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So i managed to download the demo last night and run the game perfectly at very high settings no sweat at 20-40fps. Average fps of 30.

However i encountered alot of problems, such as one blue screen of death, alot of freezes,alot of crashes and a a few lockups where i would have to restart my PC alltogether.

Now i do not what is causing this, i play other games especially like crysis on max and have never encountered any problems what so ever. It only seems with the ArmA 2 demo and it happens randomly, sometimes i can end up playing 1-2 hours on end no sweat and most of the time i experience one of these within 30min-1 hour of gaming.

I have tried downgrading my gfx card driver from 9.6 to 9.5

i run directx 10 and i tried reinstalling to direct 9.0

Nothing is working out for me. I can't seem to find anyone else on the same issue as me.

I would love to get some help over here :)

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Same here as well....randomly blue screens.....

I joined and posted the bug here......my report is # 2360

Along with the report I sent my logs in by following another post:

Game crashing to desktop or freezeing


please if you have crash search on your harddrive these files:



+ there should be also these files (or at least one of them):



usually located within

Documents and Settings


Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2 Demo\

ARMA 2 full version


+there should be also these files (or at least one of them):



usually located within

Documents and Settings


Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2\


pack these files (must be at least with one of the mdmp or bidmp or both if they present) into 7z/rar/zip archive

and then report crash into ARMA 2 community issue tracker: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73478

plus upload the archive as attachment to same report

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I only experience CTD's in the demo in multiplayer, half the players in the server all crash at the same time. It's only happened in Warfare atm, but then again that's all people are playing. I'll take a look at the .rpt's next time it happens, can't check now since they're all on the XP partition, way too early to be screwin' with folder permissions.

Edited by bhaz

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It froze, in the demo? What part of "demo does not contains quality of the full game" don't you understand.:p

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So i managed to download the demo last night and run the game perfectly at very high settings no sweat at 20-40fps. Average fps of 30.

However i encountered alot of problems, such as one blue screen of death, alot of freezes,alot of crashes and a a few lockups where i would have to restart my PC alltogether.

Now i do not what is causing this, i play other games especially like crysis on max and have never encountered any problems what so ever. It only seems with the ArmA 2 demo and it happens randomly, sometimes i can end up playing 1-2 hours on end no sweat and most of the time i experience one of these within 30min-1 hour of gaming.

I have tried downgrading my gfx card driver from 9.6 to 9.5

i run directx 10 and i tried reinstalling to direct 9.0

Nothing is working out for me. I can't seem to find anyone else on the same issue as me.

I would love to get some help over here :)

What are the system even logs reporting ?

And what is the BSOD error message ?

BSOD is usually (90%+) of the time hardware releated. And the code string it outputs during the blue screen usually helps locate the problem.

So if it happens again, please post it up and we can try and find the problem

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Its all related to the video card. The BSOD the crashing to the desktop the black screens, etc.

Its not the CPU or GPU overheating.

Either Arma 2 is doing something wrong or the Nvidia drivers have a bug.

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I have exact same problem, nvidia gpus here too. Any word from the devs or nvidia on a solution. Why are they keeping quiet? We paid 50usd for this game which inst working right, we should get a little more communication and acknowledgment of the problem at least.

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