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Big J Money

Anyone up for Online Scenario Play?

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I've been browsing the forums while awaiting the US version of the game to be released and I can't help but make a judgement on what seems to be the biggest (out of a few) problem with the state of online Multiplayer. This seems to be that people aren't making use of the full potential of what Arma2 has to offer for online versus play.

So has anybody at all started an Online Scenario Play (OSP) community? The idea being for a group of players to play long sim scenarios hand crafted by gamemasters. The scenarios being designed such that they utilize Arma's best gameplay features while also minimizing its online weaknesses (like teleporting, etc) and being played by a community of individuals who strictly adhere to the honor system out of a distaste for cheating.

This seems like the kind of thing Arma was designed for, yet I don't see any posts about it? Is there a website about this?


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