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Corrupt saves for no apparent reason?

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Towards the end of the Manhattan mission I happened to get shot in the face whilst driving a Hummer. No problem I thought, I had a save not long ago.

Wrong! Upon trying to load the last save it just crashed to desktop with an error message telling me that it can't load the save from my profile. Fantastic.

I don't see why this has happened, I have 1.02, about 10 seconds passed between the save and me dying yet it won't reload. Have tried multiple times, it's bloody frustrating. All I can do is start the mission again... Can save games be repaired? Or can anyone explain what the hell happened?

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I also had a corrupt save in the manhatten mission, it just crashed to desktop upon loading with no message. I had to restart it, which wasn't too much of a problem as I'd not been playing too long.

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Getting this as well on "Einöde"

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