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My helicopter landing script

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For the past months I've been working on this script and I thought I'd share it. I love missions that are dynamic and I rely on scripts rather than waypoints to move my units.

The way it works:

I use a hidden h somewhere on the map and using the setpos function move it close to the player (x + 10 offset, y + 10 offset). I've found without the H the helo will land and then bounce back up.

I then tell the helo to move towards the hidden h and when it gets within a close enough range i use the setpos function on the helo to control it's movements and guide it down onto the helipad. At this stage I have to thank Boomerang (boomerang333@rogers.com) for his HeloCargoTransport script which I butchered and use to learn the setpos and x,y,z grid functionality.

To run:

Create a helo name it "helo1"

Create a unit, player, name it "sas1"

Create a hidden H, name it "lz1"

Create a trigger, Activation: Radio Alpha, Name: Extract, Text: Extract, on Activation:[helo1,sas1,lz1] exec "extract.sqs"

The code:

I set up a radio trigger for say extraction which comprises of three scripts:


; _helo is the name of the helo to be flown in

; _leader is the name of the player requesting the extraction

; _landzone is the name of the hidden h to be moved near the player

;helolanded,tmphelolanded,troopsloaded are global variables set to false initially

_helo=_this select 1

_leader=_this select 2

_landzone=_this select 3

?!(alive _helo): hint "Extraction Helo down. Make way to secondary extraction point."; exit

hint "Helo - inbound for extraction"




;get the position of the player to be extracted and offset x and y coords by 10

_landzonex = (getPos _leader select 0) + 10

_landzoney = (getPos _leader select 1) + 10

_landzonez = getPos _leader select 2

;move the hidden h to that position

_landzone setpos [_landzonex,_landzoney,_landzonez]

;fly in the helo

_helo flyinheight 30

_helo domove getpos _landzone

;execute generic land script to land at extraction

[_helo,_landzone,true,true] exec "heloland.sqs"

;wait until helo has landed


;execute load check - checks to see if all group members are in helo

[_helo,_leader] exec "heloloadwait.sqs"

;wait until all troops loaded


;return to base



_helo domove getpos _waypoint

;land at base

[_helo,_waypoint,false,false] exec "heloland.sqs"


hint "helo - landed, on standby"

;set the global var indicating helo has landed




;_helo is the helo to land

;_waypoint is the landing zone (lz)

;_distmessageflag is a boolean to whether display helo distance to lz

;_flareflag is a boolean to whether set smoke and flare when helo close to lz

_helo = _this select 0

_waypoint = _this select 1

_distmessageflag = _this select 2

_flareflag = _this select 3

_waypointx = getpos _waypoint select 0

_waypointy = getpos _waypoint select 1

_waypointz = getpos _waypoint select 2


; move to waypoint

_helo domove getpos _waypoint

;if the helo is already close to the lz by pass the slow down etc

?(_helo distance _waypoint) <= 200: goto "movecloser1"

;slow down


?(_helo distance _waypoint) <= 600: _helo setSpeedMode "LIMITED"; goto "mark"


?(_messagecount==10 && _distmessageflag): hint format["Inbound helo is %1m away", (_helo distance _waypoint)]; _messagecount=0


goto "moveloop1"


?!(_flareflag): goto "moveloop2"

_flare1 = "flarered" camCreate [_waypointx,_waypointy,_waypointz]

_smoke1 = "SmokeShellRed" camCreate [_waypointx,_waypointy,_waypointz]

;wait for the helo to get close to the lz


?(_helo distance _waypoint) <= 200: goto "movecloser1"


goto "moveloop2"


_helox = getpos _helo select 0

_heloy = getpos _helo select 1

_heloz = getpos _helo select 2

;determine how far in total to the x and y position of lz and divide it into 300 segments

_movex = (_helox - _waypointx)/300

_movey = (_heloy - _waypointy)/300


;this loop takes over the positioning of the helo on x + y coords and moves it over the lz by each 1/300th segment


_thismovex = _helox - (_movex * _counter)

_thismovey = _heloy - (_movey * _counter)

_helo setpos [_thismovex,_thismovey,_heloz]

_counter = _counter + 1

?(_counter==300):goto "movefinalise1"


goto "moveloop3"

;if the helo is still moving around, ie second distance to lz is more than first distance redo positioning from "movecloser1"


_dist1 = (_helo distance _waypoint)


_dist2 = (_helo distance _waypoint)

?((_dist2-_dist1)>5): goto "movecloser1"

;determine how far in total to the z position of lz and divide it into 300 segments. issue a land command for helo which will land the helo, but the script will guide it down onto the lz.


_helo land "LAND"

_helox = getpos _helo select 0

_heloy = getpos _helo select 1

_heloz = getpos _helo select 2

_movez = (_heloz - _waypointz)/300


;start lowering the helo


_thismovez = _heloz - (_movez * _counter)

_helo setpos [_helox,_heloy,_thismovez]

_counter = _counter + 1

?(_counter==300):goto "movefinalise2"


goto "landloop1"

;check whether it has bounced


_dist1 = (_helo distance _waypoint)


_dist2 = (_helo distance _waypoint)

?(((_dist2-_dist1)<=5) || (((getpos _helo select 2) - _waypointz) >2)): goto "successland"


;uneven land - helicopter bounced



_helo land "LAND"

_helox = getpos _helo select 0

_heloy = getpos _helo select 1

_heloz = getpos _helo select 2

_movez = (_heloz - _waypointz)/300



_thismovez = _heloz - (_movez * _counter)

_helo setpos [_helox,_heloy,_thismovez]

_counter = _counter + 1

?(_counter==300):goto "movefinalise3"


goto "landloop2"


_dist1 = (_helo distance _waypoint)


_dist2 = (_helo distance _waypoint)

?((_dist2-_dist1)<=(5+_retry)): goto "successland"

?(_retry>10): hint "Helo can't land, try another more even location."; goto "failedland"

goto "trycloser"








;_helo is the helo being loaded

;_leader is the group leader

_helo = _this select 0

_leader = _this select 1

;get all the units in the group

_leaderArray = units group _leader

;count all the units in the group

_numunits = count _leaderArray



_incount = 0

_tmp = 0

;loop until all units are inside the helo


? vehicle (_leaderArray select _tmp) == _helo : _incount = _incount + 1

? _tmp < (_numunits - 1) : _tmp = _tmp + 1; goto "loop2"

? _incount != _numunits : goto "loop1"

;set the global var indicating all troops loaded



That's it. The only problem is when time compression is on the helicopter movement isn't sped up. Any comments or ideas how to make it better appreciated.


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