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Count units

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Can anyone tell me how to count the units in a group?

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Zoom in real close. biggrin.gif

No really zoom in, and take into consideration that tanks have 3 crew men, helos have 2, apc's have 2, and you can only have 12 units in a group so, you can only have 4 tanks in a group (4*3=12), 6 helos (6*2=12) and so on.

And also, when you use the group function and create an "Infantry Group", it put @ the very end, one sodier on top of another so you only actually see 11, but you can move that one away from the its ontop of and you will see both.

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Er... yes, sorry my question wasn't very precise!

I try to write a script that counts the units in one group to find out how many people have died.

Thank you anyway.

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The Units group command returns an array of all units in group. To count the elements of such an array, use the Count command, thus

Count (Units group)

returns the total number.


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