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Camera and unit movement.

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Is there a means to which the player can move to a position when filming.

I have tried the doMove script command but that doesn't make the my unit (ie Player) move.

When I use doMove and select a different unit from my group, the unit moves to the location correctly but then transmits that he's ready over the radio.

So I'd like to script a move for either the Player unit or a different unit move without a confirmation radio transmition.

Here's my script so far (grprecover is my group, recover2 is one of the units in tha group, captain is another unit that i wish to move to):

titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",5]

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

grprecover setBehaviour "SAFE"

_cam camsettarget recover2

_cam camsetrelpos [-2,10,3]

_cam camcommit 0

recover2 doMove getPos captain

Thanks in advance for any ideas.


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I think the doMove command is actually instructs the the commander to order the soldier to move. This will happen to group members. You could try ungrouping the individual soldier, then give him a WP.

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