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Position calculations

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I have a chopper flying towards my player position.. so far.. my check for the loop is:


_heli doMove myPos

? (_heli distance player < 75) : goto "movechopper"

This works pretty well so far.. but.. i run into probs when i am in a low area, and my chopper was flying high.. it hovers too long looking for me...

is a better way getting the x and z positions of each unit and comparing them:


_heli doMove mypos

?((_heliX == _playerx) && (_heliZ == _playerZ)) : goto "movechopper"

or check for a value within 2 units from x ,z ??

How is everyone getting one unit close to another reliably?

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well, as I understand it, your problem is that the "distance" command calculates z, instead of only x and y.

you could try comparing your player's x&y with the coordinates of the chopper, but it would be a bitch telling it when to check for positive and when for negative numbers, depending on your azimuth...

here's what I'ld do:

place a game logic on the map, name it, and then make it follow the position of the helicopter.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">logic setpos [getpos heli1 select 0, getpos heli1 select 1, getpos player select 2]<span id='postcolor'>

that should give the game logic the same x and y as the helicopter, and the z from your player. now all you need to do is use the distance command again, but with the game logic, instead of the chopper biggrin.gif

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