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Gold edition

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newbie poster wow.gif

just bought this game yesterday, thinking it would be such a great thing, but sadly i was plauged with the .tmp error due to the bad c.d.

I've already emailed codemasters and called. The guy i spoke with said tomorrow or monday is when they expect the new c.d.'s.

not that i condone the hacking/cracking of games, but

my question is... has anyone gotten a complete gold box set to run using a crack? Please don't post links, i can find them on my own (already have several of them i downloaded after figuring out the game wasn't going to work). I believe my version is 1.3 out of the box. So i would use the 1.3 no cd crack? and would this work ?

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In case you don't know already, master disk was flawed when those copys were made. If anyone can get them to work they are GOD. Anyways atleast you have a very expensive and atractive OFP beer coaster until Codemasters fix the problem and get new disk out.

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cool, was worried about that....

still going to try the crack i found on the net... never know....

waiting truly is the hardest part sad.gif

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