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Team Switch Issue?

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In all of my missions, I can't seem to use the "T" key to switch team positions. This is in the campaign and warfare modes. The interface shows up very quickly when I hit it, and then disappears so fast I barely see it. This is a pretty necessary function for those times when a team-mate gets hung up on something. It may just be that the team switch is disabled for these two game play types (though I can't see why).

Could I have inadvertently hit something to stop this function from working? I still have it set to the correct (T) key in the options menu.

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Same problem doesn't work at all installed arma 2 on two computers (two seperate disks) both updated to version 1.05 and can't team switch by pressing the T button I've read some where that you may have to enable team switch, trying adding addSwitchableUnit to the init but no worky also doesn't work with stock missions as well. Any help would go a long way thanks.

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TeamSwitch only works in single player missions and only if its been activated by the mission maker.

If you make a mission in editor any player or vehicle you set to "Playable" will be available to TeamSwitch. (in SP of course)

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