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Skip a mission

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I played thru the first few missions until I got to the more free range one where you can go anywhere on the map, but I lost the save file, and do not want to repeat those first missions.

Is there a way to skip thru a mission? like a cheat or something?

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Dont know if this works in ARMA2 as well: Press and hold LEFT SHIFT + press the MINUS on the numerik keys (top right of the keyboard normally). RELEASE and type MISSIONS

If its like ArmA1 all missions should show now.

Same procedure when playing but writing FLUSH instead will flush the video memory and can sometimes give better performance when you played a long time.



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It's actually LEFT SHIFT + NUMBER PAD -, then release and type CAMPAIGN. That will make all missions in the campaign show up.

You can also do LEFT SHIFT + NUMBER PAD -, release and type ENDMISSION to end the mission you are currently playing.

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"number pad" "numeric keys" = same to me as swedish. ;)

And campaign is for the campaign missions maybe, but the SP missions was in ArmA1 "MISSIONS".



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Doesn't work in arma2, you can't get the thing up to type the stuff in.

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Nothing comes up. Just press the keys together, release them and type it. It'll work. For the CAMPAIGN cheat, you must be on the campaign screen. For the MISSIONS cheat, you must be on the Missions screen and for the ENDMISSION cheat you must be in a mission.

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