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Problem with returned values/output (ArmA Bug?)

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While converting Sahrani Life to ArmA2 we've encountered a strange problem:

First of all the content of all variables:

_author -> "Server"
_period -> 20
(_minprize call ISSE_str_IntToStr) -> returns 50
(_objid call INV_getitemName) -> returns "Bank insurance"
_amount -> 10

Here are the commands used for output

hint format["Added new Auction object 1: %1, %2, %3, %4, %5.", _amount, (_objid call INV_getitemName), (_minprize call ISSE_str_IntToStr), _author, (_period)];
hint format["Added new Auction object 2: %1, %2, %3, %4, %5.", _amount, (_objid call INV_getitemName), "", _author, (_period)];
hint format["Added new Auction object 3: %1, %2, %3, %4, %5.", _amount, (_objid call INV_getitemName)];
hint format["Added new Auction object 4: %1, %2, %3, %4, %5.", _amount, (_objid call ISSE_DummyFunction), "", _author, (_period)];
hint format["Added new Auction object 5: %1, %2, %3, %4, %5.", _amount, "", "", _author, (_period)];

Here are the results

Added new Auction object 1: <null>, Bank insurance, 50, Server, 20.
Added new Auction object 2: <null>, Bank insurance, , Server, 20.
Added new Auction object 3: <null>, Bank insurance, , , .
Added new Auction object 4: 10, 4412, , Server, 20.
Added new Auction object 5: 10, , , Server, 20.

Somehow the amount variable only shows up when the (_objid call INV_getitemName) function is not called. Right before the first output the varaible is "10" as well.

Edit: All local variables in the INV_getitemName function are declared private.

Thanks in advance,


Edited by Issetea

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Solved the Problem.

The exitWith behaviour (used in the function "INV_getitemName") in Armed Assault II seems to be different. Not exactly sure where the difference is though - It still exists a loop and continues and the function returns the correct value. Gonna test more tomorrow.

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