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DM mission with Jet's.

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Hi gent's, I'm kinda stuck with a trigger for the AI units in the player slots.

Player trigger details:

class Sensors



class Item0







expCond="(alive player) and (local player) and not(isNull player);";

expActiv="player exec ""respawned.sqf"";";

class Effects





The script works for player but I just can't get a trigger to send a AI unit to the script. Always sends a Bool I've since just removed the AI Trigger completely, since I can't get it to work.

What I need is that some gives me a trigger condition and onActivation sample to get the AI unit sent to the script as a object.

This is the script that is executed:


_pos = getpos _this;

_AllVec = [Array of Jet's removed this line for the post];

_Grp = group _this;

deleteWaypoint [_grp, 1];

deleteWaypoint [_grp, 2];

_max = count _AllVec;

_Plane = createVehicle [(_AllVec select round random (_max - 1)), _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];

_Plane addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "bury.sqf"}]; <- Thanks to Kiljoy's Evolution mission.

_Plane setpos [getpos _Plane select 0, getpos _Plane select 1, 1000];

_this moveInDriver _Plane;

_plane setdir random 360;

_Plane setVelocity [0,0,200]; <- random direction was a prob with X and y velocity so now I just chuck the plane up :)

_Plane engineOn true;

_wp = _grp addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "AttackZone", 0];

_wp1 = _grp addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "aTTackZone", 0];

[_grp, 1] setwaypointtype "SAD";

[_grp, 2] setwaypointtype "CYCLE";

_grp setCurrentWaypoint [_grp, 1];


If there is any thing i'm doing wrong with this script please let me know since I have a very limited testing arena.

Edit: added the "and not(isNull player)" the the condition for player since some times they would spawn with out a jet.

Edited by FunkD00BiesT

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