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Error and crash when adding a weapon

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I customized crates for the three bases at my map. One of them includes the m16 grenade launcher. When added to the crate the game crashes to desktop and says          No entry'config.bin::CfgWeapons::M16GrenadeLauncher.displayNameMagazine'            I'm not sure what this means and what to do. Its doesnt seem to be a common error but can anyone help. Thanks

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I had this problem also myself with adding a Binocular. It's frustrating that the game crashes instead of an error message "Invalid Name" or something wow.gif

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I had the problem with "SVDDragunov" (still not sure of the spelling, it's a nasty one) and me being so complacent thinking I could get the spelling correct every time had to restart the game at least four times. Flashpoint takes so long to load, with all the stuff on its start up.

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ahh, thanks dude. I guess "grenadelauncher" must cover both the ak47 and the m16 then, i was goin by some list i found.

That ralph pictures great man, and the quote, "he told me to burn things" funny episode

By the way, you happen to know how to start vehicles out with no ammo but still be able to rearm them at ammo trucks. Havent been able to pull it off.

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Hey cyberdyne, you can get rid of all the long nasty intro stuff! Check back in a bit, ill go look to see how i did it, kinda forgot.

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Cyberdyne, right click on the operationflashpoint shortcut you have and put this in as your target, the -nosplashscreen is what does the trick.

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\OperationFlashpoint.exe" -nosplashscreen

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lol all those weapons you guy mentioned. I had a problem with too hehe

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nic @ Mar. 06 2002,20:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ahh, thanks dude. I guess "grenadelauncher" must cover both the ak47 and the m16 then, i was goin by some list i found.

That ralph pictures great man, and the quote, "he told me to burn things" funny episode

By the way, you happen to know how to start vehicles out with no ammo but still be able to rearm them at ammo trucks. Havent been able to pull it off.<span id='postcolor'>

you are correct 'grenadelauncher' covers both AK's and M16's

My avatar picture was given to me by RedStorm. He stumbled upon it and gave me URL for it. And yes, I thought that quote would fit nicely in to OFP's context.

The third question is tricky. you have to 'removeWeapon' or 'removeMagazines' from vehicle. the name of weapons are available on command reference 1.42, using IE6.

I haven't tried it(cuz I'm lazy). But I can assure you that using 'removeAllWeapons' is not the best way. It'll freeze your PC. confused.gif

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Thanks, but 'removemagazines' does the same thing as pushing the ammo slider to the left. It still doesnt give me the option to reload at ammo trucks. Guess I might just have to make triggers that reload the vehicles when they get close.

If anyone knows an easier way to make it so that when I create vehicles that start out with no ammo they still have the ability to reload at ammo trucks please let me know.Thanks. sad.gif

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This may be related to what i have read about tanks..

Tanks can't reaload when they have zero ammo.. you need at least SOME ammo.

Possibly the same bug with people? Keep at least one magazine on the people?

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