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Getting sidechat to work  in MP problem

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Hey guys,

I'm having some bother getting a sidechat generated by a dedicated server get received by clients. I've been looking at various resources trying to debug this, but having no luck.

Here's my init.sqf:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// init.sqf will run automatically on both the server and clients when they connect

// either at mission start, or join in progress clients

// Wait for players to join and synchronise before moving on

// The if statement will only affect clients, a DEDICATED server will never

// have a local player and !isserver will always return false for the server and true for clients

if ( (!isServer) && (player != player) ) then


waitUntil {player == player};

waitUntil {time > 10};


// Vehicle Respawn script - borrowed from domination, thanks xeno!

// Only needs to be executed on server, hence the if check

if (isserver) then {

_vehicles = [hummer1,hummer2,uaz1,uaz2];

{[_x,20] execvm "x_vehirespawn.sqf"} foreach _vehicles;


// Define which objectives belong to which team

// objectives have been defined in briefing.html

// this must be done local to each player, after the player has joined and synced

_objectives_blufor = ["1","2","3","4","5"];

_objectives_opfor = ["6","7","8","9","10"];

// Hide objectives from opposing teams

switch (side player) do


// BLUFOR Player

case west:


{_x objStatus "HIDDEN"} forEach _objectives_opfor;


// OPFOR Player

case east:


{_x objStatus "HIDDEN"} forEach _objectives_blufor;



// Script to keep weapons when respawning

// must be run by players locally?

_units = ["sierra1","sierra2","sierra3","sierra4","sierra5","sierra6","officer","durka1","durka2","durka3","durka4","durka5","durka6","durka7"];

{[_x,1] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs"} foreach _units;

// Pop-up targets reset scripting (to make them pop back up after being shot)

// arrays for two groups of targets, just incase you want to disable one set from popping back up

// should be run on server only and return a public variable to enable broadcast

// of a sidechat message

if (isserver) then {

// target arrays, using names given in editor

_opfor_targets = [RED1,RED2,RED3,RED4,RED5,RED6];

_blufor_targets = [BLUE1,BLUE2,BLUE3,BLUE4];

// Comment out following lines to DISABLE pop-up on a target group

{[_x, 1, true] execVM "InitPopUpTarget.sqf"} foreach _opfor_targets;

{[_x, 1, true] execVM "InitPopUpTarget.sqf"} foreach _blufor_targets;


// this event handler monitors a variable defined in the pop up target script called myvar

// when myvar is updated publically using publicvariable, the code within the event handler is fired

// on all machines OTHER than where the variable was made public (ie the server itself)

// the main job of the event handler is to send a globalchat message, therefore the server doesn't

// need it because it has no local player

"myvar" addPublicVariableEventHandler


if ((_this select 0) != null) then {

player globalChat format ["Confirmed hit on target %1",(_this select 1)];

_shot = null;



and here's the relevant script that helps generate the globalchat (initpopuptarget.sqf):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// this script should be being run by every pop up target on dedi server and client machines

// pop up feature is working, but sidechat is proving to be a pain

/* InitPopUpTarget.sqf


* SYNTAX: nil = [Object, Number, Boolean] execVM "InitPopUpTarget.sqf"


* PARAMETERS: Object: A pop-up target

* Number: The number of hits it takes to knock the target down

* Boolean: If set to True, the target will pop up again.


* NOTES: This function is meant to be placed in the Initialization field

* of a pop-up target.


* Pop-up targets that are not initialized with this function will

* stop working as expected: they won't pop up again. This is

* because this function sets the global variable "nopop" to True.


#define VERSION 0.1

#define HIT_COUNTER "HitCounter"

#define ONHIT_PARAMS "AdvPopUp_OnHit_Params"

#define ONHIT_HANDLER "AdvPopUp_OnHit_Handler"

#define ONHIT_INDEX "AdvPopUp_OnHit_Index"

nopop = true;

_target = _this select 0;

_requiredHits = _this select 1;

_isPopUp = _this select 2;

_hitHandler = {

private ["_target", "_requiredHits", "_isPopUp", "_hitCount", "_keepUp"];

_target = _this select 0;

_requiredHits = _this select 1;

_isPopUp = _this select 2;

if (_target animationPhase "terc" > 0.1) exitWith {};

_hitCount = (_target getVariable HIT_COUNTER) + 1;

_keepUp = true;

if (_hitCount == _requiredHits) then {




// code designed to fire an even handler defined in init.sqf

myvar = _target;

publicVariable "myvar"; // This executes the event handler on other machines

sleep 1;

myvar = null;

publicvariable "myvar"; // This now sends a null value to the same event handler




_hitCount = 0;

_target animate ["terc", 1];

sleep 3;

_keepUp = _isPopUp;


if _keepUp then {

_target animate ["terc", 0];


_target setVariable [HIT_COUNTER, _hitCount];


_target setVariable [HIT_COUNTER, 0];

_target setVariable [ONHIT_PARAMS, _this];

_target setVariable [ONHIT_HANDLER, _hitHandler];

_code = {

_t = _this select 0;

(_t getVariable ONHIT_PARAMS) spawn (_t getVariable ONHIT_HANDLER); // weird!


_index = _target addEventHandler ["Hit", _code];

_target setVariable [ONHIT_INDEX, _index];

Can anyone help me solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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