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performance with Macbook Pro

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I made a fresh install of ArmA 1.08 and 1.14 patch on this machine:

Macbook Pro Penryn 2.53 GHz

nvidia 8600M 512MB

6 GB 667 RAM

WinXP Pro 32bit

The game runs extremely bad (always under 20 frames).

setting all settings to the lowest options helps for a smoother experience, but this is not acceptable though.

I run on the same Macbook Pro new games like Fallout 3 or Farcry 2 at native resolution (1440x900) in high res textures and very playable fps (above 40 frames).

Whats wrong with my settings?

I remember, ArmA being a hardware hog. What do other Mac user experience in setting up the machine for ArmA?

Settings in game?

Settings in the driver panel?

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