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Armor Missions

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Well, re-reading Turtledove's Timeline-191 books got me in the mood for tank combat, again. Not really in the mood for a full out sim, but would like some more substance than a truly arcadey game. What fits that description? ArmA/OFP, that's what.

So yeah, does anyone know of any good Armor (preferably tanks, but I will settle for APCs and the like if they are fun missions) missions? Preferably where I either don't have to be the overall commander of the forces involved (call me old fashioned, but I like following orders), and even better where I can be a gunner or driver. I would also kill for a good defensive mission (so many missions involve going on the offensive), but I doubt any of those exist (plus, they are relatively easy to whip up with the quick mission maker).

I figure, when I get around to it I'll probably start working on my own, but it would be nice to get a bit of immediate satisfaction.


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