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Invasion of Holland Demo

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Invasion of Holland Demo (Open Beta) release!



 ---->>>>Rapid Share DL link <<<----


NEW DL link



You need first to get your weapon form a drop-container, like the para's did in during ww2.


Quote[/b] ]------------Invasion of Holland Demo for Operation Flashpoint V1.96-------------

Thank you for Downloading this demo.


With other words you may find bugs!

This Zip-file contains these Addons:

*IOH_Jager.pbo --- Dutch Soldiers of the Jagers Regiment

*IOH_vil.pbo  --- Vilas Weapons

*IOH_Mariniers.pbo ---Dutch Marines

*IOH_Music.pbo   --- Sound and Music

*IOH_browning.pbo --- Browning 1910 M25 pistol

*Havelte.pbo      --- Havelte Island/map

*anjaddon1.pbo     --- Needed addons for the Havelte Map

*ju52.pbo          --- German Junkers 52 Transport plane

*ECA_FsJ_40.pbo --- ATSTWalkers Fallschirmjager pack

*IotLUI.pbo --- Mainmenu wallpaper (lui??)

*Up_ww2.pbo --- Needed addons for the Fallschirmjager pack

*IOH_mor.pbo -- mortar

*vickers.pbo --- Vickers HMG

*IOH_Bunker -- bunkers

Dutch units:


WEST --> IOH Mariniers -> *Marinier Geweer (rifle)

     *Marinier Hospik (medic)

 *Marinier Karabijn (carabine)

                         *Marinier Lewis (Lewis MG)

                         *POW 1 (Prisoners Of War)

                         *POW 2 (Prisoners Of War)

                         *Officier (Officer)


WEST --> IOH Jeagers -> *Soldaat Geweer (rifle)

*Soldaat Karabijn (carabine)

*Hospic (medic)

*Soldaat Veldmuts (carabine)

                       *Soldaat Lewis (Lewis MG)

*POW (Prisoners Of War)

                       *Onder Officier (officer)

*Minutie drager (ammo )

WEST --> IOH Mortier 81mm

WEST --> Armored -> Vickers HMG


WEST --> Dutch Mariniers -> Mariniers Groep

WEST --> Dutch Infantry -> Regiment Jagers AND Machinegeweer Groep

IOH Objects --> are 2 types of bunkers

Weapons Dutch:

Steyr Mannlicher rifle : "IOH_Mannlicher1895L"

Steyr Mannlicher carabine : "IOH_Mannlicher1895"

Ammo for both guns : "IOH_M95Mag"

Lewis MachineGun : "IOH_Lewis"

Ammo for the Lewis : "IOH_LewisMag"

Browning M25 1910 pistol : "M25"

Ammo for the M25 pistol : "M25mag"


I know that THESE bugs are in the demo.

*Sound of the M25 pistol is wrong

*Shadows of the Dutch troops are missing

* The Island Havelte got bugs BUT i did not made that map!

Have you found more

reply at swatben17@hotmail.com


BIS Forums



Put the IOH_demo folder in your Operation Flashpoint folder

NOTE: Reboor your system after installing!! It is possible that this will crash.. We don't kno why it does!.... pity

What is possibel that the problem is in de BIN directory... you can delete it and try again.

To start:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE"  -mod=IOH_Demo -nosplash -nomap

----Fallschirmjager pack there is a bug in the K98.... i replace the K98 of AtstWalker with the k98 of Upminder

Put this in the INIT line of a Fallschirmjager (k98)

removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "UP_K98Kmag"; this addweapon "UP_K98K"; this addmagazine "UP_K98Kmag"; this addmagazine "UP_K98Kmag"; this addmagazine "UP_K98Kmag"; this addmagazine "UP_K98Kmag"; this addmagazine "UP_K98Kmag"; this addmagazine "UP_K98Kmag";

Credits for this Demo

*LowLandsWarriors MOD for the Havelte Map/Island and their surport

*King Tiger of the Invasion of Europe MOD for the Basic Infantry model.

*Trenchfeet for the Junkers-52 JU52

*ATSTWalker for his Basic Fallschirmjager Pack

*Vilas for his Weapons

*Burner and W0lle for the Config Files

**** And those i forgot to put here. I am YOU very greatfull!

I hope you will enjoy these addons!

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I get some e-mails / PM's about problems downloading from Rapidshare. This file is 2 big for savefile.com.... Are there more upload-sites?

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You can join Cervo at cervo@armedassault.info, for a permanent download link at ofp.info. He's a very nice guy. Send him a mail with your temporary download link and the speech and pictures you want to appear on the ofp.info site.

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I get PM email about install errors!

Please read the README!

Quote[/b] ]Instal:

Put the IOH_demo folder in your Operation Flashpoint folder

NOTE: Reboor your system after installing!! It is possible that this will crash.. We don't kno why it does!.... pity

What is possibel that the problem is in de BIN directory... you can delete it and try again.

To start:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE"  -mod=IOH_Demo -nosplash -nomap

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maybe you should recompress the demo without the whole directory structure from Program files on down. Only the real IOH directory.

Well Bennie, congratulations on the demo. I will send you some comments later.

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crazy_o.gif i am sure that i zipped the right stuff!

Maybe Deadeye made a mistake


I will download the demo my self and see what is wrong huh.gif

Both links

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It seems that i made the mistake....

But we all know that we move a "mod" folder into the OFP folder!

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I will make an update because the major problem was that the mod crashed if you where dutch soldier.... that problem was in the weapon config that is solved and will be released soon.

Maybe i will make some more missions for the demo or more dutch troops.

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I give it try but my pc crashes!

I know.... try to remove the BIN folder and try agian. ( read the readme! for more details!)

But the big problem is in the weapon config is solved it .... but i look for a site for upload the update.

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I found out what the problem is there is a problem in a pilot view lot.

I will not make a update for the demo .... i am so sorry.

I will work untill release of the full mod.

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